Noscendo presents DISQVER® at HAI 2022, the 24th Capital Congress of the DGAI for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy

After a pandemic-related break, the 24th Capital Congress of the German Society for Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI) will be held again this year in presence. From September 14-17, the focus will be on medical advances in anaesthesia, intensive care, emergency, pain and palliative medicine.

Noscendo will have a booth (No. 16) in the Estrel Convention Center Berlin and will present DISQVER®, a platform for digital pathogen diagnostics. With DISQVER®, more than 16,000 microbes can be detected simultaneously in just one blood sample, including 1,500 known pathogenic bacteria, DNA viruses, fungi and parasites*. This is made possible by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): after the cell-free DNA in the patient’s blood has been sequenced, DISQVER® compares this information with Noscendo’s clinical genome database using bioinformatics algorithms. The result is available within 24 hours of receipt in the laboratory and provides an accurate analysis.

This NGS-based diagnostic is currently health-economically as well as medically being scientifically investigated in a multicentred, randomized interventional trialstudy funded by the innovation committee of the “Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses” (Federal Joint Committee), the supreme decision-making body of the self-administration of the German health care system. A total of 410 patients suffering from severe sepsis are participating in the study “DigiSep – Optimierung des Sepsis-Therapie auf Basis einer patientenindividuellen digitalen Präzisionsdiagnostik” (Optimisation of sepsis therapy based on patient-specific digital precision diagnostics)**.

* Scientific studies on DISQVER® can be found under Publications.
